Friday, August 1, 2014

Why I've Decided to Not Date for a Yearbook...Update #1

So it's been nearly three weeks since I made the decision to not date for the next year, and I must say it's been an interesting three weeks.

First of all, Satan has been out in full force since the decision was made.  From doubt to scrutiny by my loved ones to bringing up past sins, he's been all over me.  I didn't actually realize at first that that was what was going on.  One of my friends actually pointed it out to me.  I've always heard people say that the devil is after you most when you're getting closer to God.  They weren't lying!  It's been an uphill battle that I know is far from over.

But here's the thing about me...I'm stubborn.  Like really stubborn.  And I don't like being told I can't do something or being made to believe that I can't accomplish something.  So, I'm going to prove that beautiful fallen angel wrong. 

I will do this. 

I may stumble along the way, but in the end I will not let failure be an option because my God is STRONGER than any other.

This verse was mentioned in an online sermon I watched earlier this week and it was exactly what God wanted me to hear.

In HIS time!

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