Friday, August 1, 2014

He's the Man!

I don’t know about you, but it’s very easy for me to picture the “perfect” man.  He’d look something like this (that smile!)…

Or this (those brown eyes!)….

Or this (let’s take a moment to just appreciate Mr. Jackman)…

Whew…is it hot in here or is it just me?

Now that I’ve thoroughly distracted you with the eye candy above…it’s time to get to the point.

There is NO perfect man!!!!!  Even the beautiful ones have their flaws just like we do.
I grew up in a house with three men…my daddy and my two younger brothers.  Nothing will teach you more about men than having brothers!  There isn’t much a man can say or do now that surprises me because I think I’ve seen or heard it all over the years.  Thanks, Seth and Jacob!

It’s so easy to get caught up in our expectations of the “perfect” guy that we often forget that reality exists.  Even though appearances are nice, they’re just the icing on the cake.  Have you ever been to a bakery and admired the beautiful displays they have?  Yeah, those aren’t real (I did not learn this until a few years when I was watching one of my favorite shows, Amazing Wedding Cakes!).  They’re just Styrofoam with icing on top.  WHAT?!
Physical appearances are just the same…pretty icing does not make up for Styrofoam on the inside!  BLEH!  I don’t know about you, but I want the yummiest, most amazing cake on the inside!

Girl, be glad that our heavenly Father is doing us a favor by saving us for the SPECIAL man!  How awesome is it going to be when you find him?

This literally gives me the chills!  This is what I want…and it’s going to be so worth it.   So until then…

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