Friday, August 1, 2014

Oh my Gosh! You're 30 and Still Single?!

If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say this, I’d have enough money to buy that super cute dress I saw on Pinterest the other day!

I remember back in my college years (I graduated in 2006, by the way) that I’d be married with at least one kid by the time I turned 30.  Well, 30 is knocking on my door and will be here April 26th!   And, I’m no where near being married, let alone having a child.  (Yes, I was raised with the belief that you should be married when you have kids.)  So, what’s wrong with me?

My answer would be…NOTHING!  I live a perfectly normal life.  I’m an elementary school teacher, I own my own house and car, and I have a close group of friends and family who I love dearly.  I’ve also never had a serious relationship that’s lasted longer than three months.
Most people ask me, “Why?  You’re pretty, smart, funny…why are you still single?”
The short answer is that I REFUSE to settle.  God hasn’t shown me the man I’m meant to marry (at least I don’t think I know him right now).  I spent a majority of my twenties thinking that there was something fundamentally wrong with me.  I’ve cried many tears and eaten my way through many pints of ice cream, but it hit me one day last year that there isn’t anything wrong with me.  I’m by no means perfect, believe me.  But, when it comes down to it, I’m still single because I’ve chosen to follow God and let Him lead my path.
This blog will serve as a way to (hopefully) inspire other single ladies (and men!) to embrace the single life and realize that God has a plan for you that is so much bigger and better than you could ever imagine.

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