Friday, August 1, 2014

Valentine's Day...Time to Celebrate!

Ahhhh Valentine’s Day…most people get really excited for this holiday because of the promise it brings.  Promise of really nice gifts…or a really nice dinner…and quality time with that person you love the most.

But for singles, Valentine’s Day is usually one of the more depressing days of the year.  There’s a saying i saw a few years ago, and quite frankly it never did sit well with me.  You may have seen it too…”Happy Singles’ Awareness Day!”

I don’t know about you, but I’m perfectly aware everyday that I’m single.  From the moment I wake up and I can stretch out across my bed and not worry about someone stealing the covers or taking up my precious space on the bed.  That thought always puts a smile on my face.
To the clever individual who marketed that phrase…we know exactly how single we are, and I personally think it’s quite insensitive of you to feel the need to point out that fact.

So, my dear single friends, I propose that this year on Valentine’s Day we take a stand!  No more sitting home alone, eating candy your family/friends (or in my case–students) gave you, watching sappy love movies!!!!!

This Valentine’s Day…go out with your friends!  Dress up, go to dinner, go see a movie (About Last Night comes out on Friday–it looks hilarious!)…

You are LOVED!  Just because you don’t have a romantic love interest, doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate the love you do have in your life.  Celebrate your family and friends!  Let them know how much you love them.  Trust me, sometimes they need to hear more than you think.

Don’t sit home and wallow…CELEBRATE!  Enjoy your life!

PS–If you’re a married person and you have a single person in your life, let him/her know how much they mean to you!  Send them a card or flowers or candy…make them a care package or give them a giftcard (Starbucks is my favorite!).

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